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Services to Youth
The primary goals of this facet are to:
* Promote early literacy
* Implement local mentoring programs from kindergarten through college
* Close the academic achievement gaps from kindergarten through college
* Introduce and support Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S.T.E.M.) education and career readiness
Implement college readiness programs
* Increase high school and college graduation rates
* Award college scholarships and build educational endowments
* Promote and support Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)
The Services to Youth facet is currently presenting five national initiatives and two signature programs in support of our mission to enrich the lives of, and advocate for the betterment of, African-American youth.
Greater Pearland Area (TX) Chapter
Igniting Our Compassion for Service Through the Spirit of Friendship
GPAC Executive Committee
Antrece Baggett- President
Andrea Sneed Jackson - Vice President of Membership
Erin Reed - Recording Secretary
Kimberly Muse Sims - Corresponding Secretary
Gizette Thomas - Treasurer
Yolanda Murdock - Financial Secretary
Robin Burgess - Director of Programming
Kheli Willetts - Parliamentarian
Carlotta Brown - Chaplain
Nicole West - Assistant Financial Secretary
- Historian/Archivist
Chapter Members

Karen Allen
Lisa Anderson Williams **
Antrece Baggett *
Pamela Etienne Branch **
Carlotta Outley Brown **
Robin Burgess
Vanessa Carter *
Michi Bruns-Clay **
Brenda Hudson Cooper
Amber Hackett Crosby
Kadria Derrick
Lynda Edwards
Lachelle Fields *
Kimberly Goodman *
Adfanie Smith Gray **
Shervada Hall Martinez *
Judy Harrison **
Portia Hopkins
Staci Taylor Fullmighter *
Andrea Sneed Jackson
Mary Smith Johnson
Jean Jones *
Nettie Jones
LaTracia Willis King *
Carla Lane
Deanna Laster *
Jacqueline Leggington
Tara Lewis *
Tammy McLain
Seniora Matthews
Kimberly Muse Sims
Yolanda Murdock
Denise Naylor
Carmilla Nandlal *
Sherrita Dorsey Peete *
Diamond Simpson Prothro *
Erin Reed
Gizzette Thomas
Nicole West *
Kheli Willetts
** Organizers
* Charter Member
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